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Can you believe it?  We made it to the year, 2020.  As a child, I would watch favorite cartoon shows that my parents watched when they were small children.  One of my favorites was "The Jetsons."  I just knew that by 2020 we would be flying around in cars, going from here to there by the speed of light.  While we as a nation have progressed quickly, we are still a ways off (THANK GOODNESS) from that super "techy" world.  Let's be honest; the world we live in is already too fast paced.  Slow down, people.  Stop and smell those beautiful flowers that will be blooming before you know it.

2019 seemed to be a repeat of a couple years prior.  I've been in a terrible slump over the past three years.  And to be honest, I'm sick of it.  It's easy to just set back and let the world pummel you into a pathetic sad hole.  I am so ready to make some major changes in my life.  But change requires work.

So, for the next little bit, you may see me looking a bit ridiculous in my garden wares, planning and plotting all the ways that my little seeds can germinate and thrive.  I will be planning out our next plot, spacing rows just so, hoping that each little detail helps plants be their best selves.  I will be blowing Instagram and Facebook up on our Old Paths Produce page (check it out!  Like and Follow! @OldPathsProduce)  Yes, our garden endeavors didn't pan out last year.  But just because the first year was a complete flop, doesn't mean that this dream can never come true.  We had a lot working against us, which makes me wants to work even harder this year.  I want, need this dream of ours to come true.  Its a passion that has taken over my being.  We hate failure, Andrew and I, and can't stand the thought of being let down again.  So, be on the lookout for future tellings of our homesteading adventures.  It is a lifestyle that is hard for most to grasp, but we look at it as a coming together between us and the Earth, dirt that the good Lord gave us to work to help us prosper. 

(We ordered the CUTEST plant labels from Andrea's Etsy Shop: andrea.beadgarden)

So don't give up on us yet.  We are looking forward to 2020.  It's sure to have its ups and downs but as long we believe in the good, we know we will be just fine.  


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