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Showing posts from August, 2017

Weekend Projects

Over the past several months, I have become extremely close to my family.  I can honestly say that without a doubt that they have my back.  I am thankful for them - for the love and support they have shown me - for showing up and helping me when I felt too weak to do things on my own - for simply being there.  Several members of my family have been helping me spruce up the house for potential showings.  They are ready to see me move on with my life, and I am so thankful for having them in my corner. I'm telling y' family is the cream of the crop.  They're mine & I'm theirs & we are family! Our garden is still producing lots of peppers.  I was busy canning banana peppers last night, using a simple brine that I found off of the internet.   Ingredients: 50-60 banana peppers sliced into rings 7 cups of vinegar 2 cups of water 4 cloves of garlic 1 tsp celery seed 1 tsp dill  1 tsp mustard seed 1 tsp pepper...

Total Eclipse of "MY" Heart

This total solar eclipse business has, quite frankly, been driving me insane.  If I have to hear, "Do you have any Solar Eclipse glasses?" one more time, I might lose my nuts & bolts.  I'm kidding, of course.  I have enjoyed seeing all of the "out-of-towners" come visit our "Friendly City" today and hope they have enjoyed our small community.  It is amusing to me to see that so many people have traveled from near and far to view this once in a life time event.  Of all places, for Scottsville, KY to be a stopping grounds for "totality" makes me feel very fortunate.  Had this happen elsewhere, you wouldn't see me traveling for hours and hours just to witness the eclipse.  I love that I can step right outside the library doors and take in what is happening above.  And I do feel privileged that I can direct those who want to view the eclipse and make them feel at home for the short time that they are here in our small town. As I experie...

A Spiritual Birthday

On August 14th, 2003, probably between 8:30 & 9:00 p.m., I was saved.  A moment before salvation occurred, I was lost without Jesus in my heart.  And a split second later, there He took his abode, and I am so thankful that He has never left. It really is hard to fathom that it has been fourteen years since that beautiful evening on the left side of the altar at Durham Springs Church.  Was salvation what I expected it to be?  No.  I believe as a child I had this image in my head that being saved was going to be this explosive thing that everyone could attest to being a part of.  However, when I was on that old bench, not even knowing how to pray or what to say, I just remember the simplicity of it all.  Yes, I was surrounded by the sweetest of people, pouring out their hearts on my behalf.  But in that precious moment, it was just a simple conversation between me and Jesus.  I didn't see a bright light, I didn't have this overwhelmin...

A Friendly Introduction

Hello world!  It has been quite some time since my last blog post.  My world has been very complicated, and at times I didn't see, or better chose not to see, what God was doing in my life.  Through all of the difficulties I chose to lean on the Lord.  I have in no way been perfect and still struggle from day to day.  I try not to dwell on the past.  I am thankful for everything that I have been through and experienced.  It has made me the woman that I am today.  I can say that I am extremely excited for the future and all that it holds. All of that to say I have decided to blog more on the happenings of my life.  You may or may not even care about what I say or what I do, and that is more than fine.  Honestly, this blog is more for me than anything.  Think of it as a web based journal, a way for me to record the special happenings that take place.  You will more than likely see a lot of posts about reading material, being th...