On August 14th, 2003, probably between 8:30 & 9:00 p.m., I was saved. A moment before salvation occurred, I was lost without Jesus in my heart. And a split second later, there He took his abode, and I am so thankful that He has never left.
It really is hard to fathom that it has been fourteen years since that beautiful evening on the left side of the altar at Durham Springs Church. Was salvation what I expected it to be? No. I believe as a child I had this image in my head that being saved was going to be this explosive thing that everyone could attest to being a part of. However, when I was on that old bench, not even knowing how to pray or what to say, I just remember the simplicity of it all. Yes, I was surrounded by the sweetest of people, pouring out their hearts on my behalf. But in that precious moment, it was just a simple conversation between me and Jesus. I didn't see a bright light, I didn't have this overwhelming sense of His presence. There just came a brief moment where I gave up myself, and allowed Him to work through me and the sweetest peace filled my soul. I think as Christians we believe that we need to get "them" ready and say the right prayers, and have the church "ready" for the lost to receive Christ. People, Jesus wants to save. And He will save those who seek Him, I can testify to that. We don't have to beg for Him to save our loved ones. He wants to. We just have to be willing vessels to live out His word for others to see. We are to be witnesses and disciples to Christ.
I can honestly say that throughout my Christian life, I have failed Jesus on a daily basis. But what makes me know and confirm that I am one of His is the drawing sensation I get when I seem to stray a little too far from His lap. I remember being in a very dark place believing there was no where else to go. And I will never forget that night when I simply came back to His altar and He wiped the tears from my eyes. I am so very thankful for my Lord and Savior. I know that I fail him miserably, but I also know that He will be there to tug on my rope to gently bring me back to His foot stool. I love singing His sweet praises and am so very grateful that He called my name on that Thursday night in August.
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