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Showing posts from December, 2019

Characteristics of a Cedar Tree

Growing up, we always had an artificial tree. While they’re beautiful, and I have fond memories of dragging it out of the attic every year and fluffing it’s pointy branches, I have come to appreciate and adore our new tradition as a family. Together, we choose a tree, chop it down, and plant it in our living room to admire through the Christmas holiday. Few may choose the prickly cedar tree. However, it has become the one we gravitate towards. Probably because they’re unwanted nuisances in the yard. Mostly because they’re aromatic, easy to spruce up, and quick to adorn with our favorite ornaments. The cedar tree symbolizes strength, eternity, and endurance. Poets from around the world have written about this simple conifer for centuries. In the late 19th century, author John Worcester compared the structure of the cedar tree to the process of attaining successively higher natural and spiritual knowledge, writing, “The spiritual tree also must extend its branches, put forth leaves, ...

The Lahzee Blahs

I have a friend who mentioned her mom having the "lahzee blahs."  I had never before heard this saying and immediately related to it.  I would be lying if I told you the last three years have been easy.  They have been anything but.  But...(there is always a but) I still remain OK.  Am I as strong as I want to be?  No.  Am I as strong as I need to be?  No.  Lately, I have found myself in the same state as I was back in 2016.  I'm merely existing.  I think its OK to float around and just let life do what its going to do.  Ultimately, we don't have much say in its course.  But what we can do is simply remain.  During my moments of weakness, I have found that I can still be the shoulder that others need.  I can still be the ear that others need to vent to.  I can still be a help, even when it feels that no one is helping me.  Focus on the light!  I don't do this near enough.  But when I do, life ...