As most of my farming friends can agree, now is the time to begin prepping for all the Spring things. I feel that we may be a few weeks behind, but I'm trying not to let that hinder my nerves. The rain has made prepping the garden beds impossible. Today, we had a break in the rain, allowing us to make the critters beds and coops dry and comfortable. I hate doing strenuous work on Sundays. What is supposed to be our day of rest, has ended up being when we have time to actually get things done. After church today, I went straight to the hay round and began the scratchy task of taking out old hay and replacing it with new. Animals have a way of telling you that they aren't exactly pleased with their current living quarters. Our egg production has been low and the rabbits haven't exactly been hopping for joy.
Today, that changed. Sunshine has a way of making things better. My outlook changed from having the lazee blahs to the oos and ahhs! The critters were definitely in better spirits, being able to roam out of their coops and graze on the worms and other bugs and grasses that are surfacing. One of my girls actually rode the golf cart with me as I ventured from one coop to another making sure everyone was in tip-top shape. It was adorable.
Spring is coming, though we know that there will be many cold snaps ahead. We are anticipating the hatching of 42 eggs in three short weeks, having placed them in the incubator over the weekend. I've had minimal experience hatching chicks with the library. However, that was only seven eggs at a time. In a week or so, we will candle our egg babies to see what is fertile and what isn't. What has become another task to keep check on everyday, does in no way give me a sense of dread. I know that we shouldn't put too much on us, and I remind myself every time we venture into something new that if it adds stress to pull the reins back just a tad. We enjoy this lifestyle, but know that even when it comes to something you love, if you're not careful, one can become overwhelmed and begin dreading the daily chores at hand.
Andrew and I constantly give each other feedback on what we are doing, our plans, and how it can or can't work with everything else that is going on around us. We journal our garden and homestead adventures, so we can look back to see what worked and what didn't. Last year, we expanded the garden, and this year we plan to expand it again. We love being a part of this growing process. Seeing the animals thrive is amazing. And watching seeds grow to plants and then magically produce vegetables is joyous. But what is most amazing to me is seeing the growth in a wonderful relationship for me and Andrew. I can say, with no hesitation, that the love I have for this man is greater than any love from the past. Our relationship is rich in love, conversation, and experiences that we are making together. We don't see or do things with others that often. Instead, we spend time with each other, and it is something that I appreciate so much. We are happy with our hermit lives, taking care of critters, and watching the garden grow. All in part to a little bit of work, what seems like a whole lot of rain, and some glorious sun shiny days.
Today, that changed. Sunshine has a way of making things better. My outlook changed from having the lazee blahs to the oos and ahhs! The critters were definitely in better spirits, being able to roam out of their coops and graze on the worms and other bugs and grasses that are surfacing. One of my girls actually rode the golf cart with me as I ventured from one coop to another making sure everyone was in tip-top shape. It was adorable.
Spring is coming, though we know that there will be many cold snaps ahead. We are anticipating the hatching of 42 eggs in three short weeks, having placed them in the incubator over the weekend. I've had minimal experience hatching chicks with the library. However, that was only seven eggs at a time. In a week or so, we will candle our egg babies to see what is fertile and what isn't. What has become another task to keep check on everyday, does in no way give me a sense of dread. I know that we shouldn't put too much on us, and I remind myself every time we venture into something new that if it adds stress to pull the reins back just a tad. We enjoy this lifestyle, but know that even when it comes to something you love, if you're not careful, one can become overwhelmed and begin dreading the daily chores at hand.
Andrew and I constantly give each other feedback on what we are doing, our plans, and how it can or can't work with everything else that is going on around us. We journal our garden and homestead adventures, so we can look back to see what worked and what didn't. Last year, we expanded the garden, and this year we plan to expand it again. We love being a part of this growing process. Seeing the animals thrive is amazing. And watching seeds grow to plants and then magically produce vegetables is joyous. But what is most amazing to me is seeing the growth in a wonderful relationship for me and Andrew. I can say, with no hesitation, that the love I have for this man is greater than any love from the past. Our relationship is rich in love, conversation, and experiences that we are making together. We don't see or do things with others that often. Instead, we spend time with each other, and it is something that I appreciate so much. We are happy with our hermit lives, taking care of critters, and watching the garden grow. All in part to a little bit of work, what seems like a whole lot of rain, and some glorious sun shiny days.
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