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Showing posts from September, 2017

Pear Butter

This year I have canned and harvested more food than I have in my whole entire life.  Through the many changes and difficulties that I have faced over the past year, I find great comfort in growing food, getting my hands and feet dirty in the garden, and being able to pick the goods that have grown.  I'm happy to say that I have an abundance of salsa, corn, green beans, tomatoes, peach preserves, pickles, and banana peppers.   I want to continue this lifestyle, of growing my own food and putting it away for later.  I love knowing where my food is coming from and what is being put into it.  I have accepted a lot of food this summer too, and I gladly receive it, knowing that I can try to learn and make something new.  A lady that I work with gave me two boxes of pears.  Not ever being much of a pear lover in the past, I didn't really know what to do with them.  I did a little bit of research while they ripened up for the week and found a quic...